The Gently-Used Hat Sale

Consigning Women

19 Magnolia Road, Charleston

wHAT is "old hat" to one (Hat) Lady is a wonderful find to another.  The Hat Ladies love our once a year Hats for all Seasons Gently Used Hat Sale.

COMMENTS from satisfied hatsisters:

"As Oscar Wilde was credited with saying, 'I can resist anything but temptation." Saturday's hat sale was so much fun!  It was quite heartwarming to watch all the women encourage each other about the styles that looked best on them. 'Enabling' might be a good description, too.  All in good fun." 

"The Hat Sale had the largest selection ever, and the  Lunch was delicious!"

And from a hatsister who only lives in Charleston part time: "The Gently Used Hat Sale was SO worth the long time it took me to get to one!!!!!!!!!!  Had a great morning!!! and Lunch!!! Even better, my husband really likes the hat I bought (with the money I made from selling mine)."

How much are those Hat Ladies in the window????

Amanda and Phillipa are ready!!!!!!!!!!!


The early arrivals...

...get the best hats....


In at last!!!!!!!!!  Ready for a blast!

It doesn't take long to find the right ones right for each of us!


I wish I had more heads for all these hats I keep finding!

Shopping with hatsisters is just plain FUN!

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