Arriondas and Llanes




The day started out nicely enough with Joyce and me...

But the climb waaay up the steep and narrow one way roads proved to be downright DANGEROUS

Early on, there was no clue what lay ahead




They risked our life and limb to show us this nothing special lake, (Lake Enol) then eat at a nothing special Restaurant (which you'll see shortly)

The higher we went, the worse things got.  Now we were sharing the road with animals...



Now with cars

Now the roads got windier

In one spot, only this fragile barrier (signifying the road was wearing out) was all that kept us from falling down the  embankment

The cars on the road became vans...see how that one had to hug the road to have enough room...


More hair spin curves

YES, that is a full sized BUS coming right at us...

There is NO significant shoulder for either vehicle




We finally reach the top...

...only to be greeted by cows and their "pies"



...and these bathroom facilities

No thanks, I'll do it myself...

Here's the big deal Restaurant..

offering sausage and cheese and bread,

and a man who pours wine from 4' away from the glass...

Now we have the pleasure of going back down.  At one point, we literally had to go backwards to allow a bus coming up to get past us.  Even John was under the seat by that time

Midway down the mountain, once we are at a safe (and sane) distance from sea level, we stop at the phenomenal Shrine of Covadonga and its Museum with priceless treasures


This Church was reason for a reasonable climb, not the heart pounding waste of time going to the top




They soothed our frayed nerves at El Corral del Indianu, 

3 star Restaurant with along wine list


Sights on the way back to the train

Safely back on train

A fishing village with...

more beautiful beaches,

more beautiful architecture,

and more historic churches

more charming winding streets



Friendships are forming... the language of music and dance is one everyone speaks!

 Summer Travels 2016 Santillana del Mar