Given all the rained out practices leading up to The Festival, we decided to do a play on "rain" and have THE HAT DRAGONS  REIGN and OUR Reign Drops leading to Reignbows.

Normally we set up Friday afternoon prior to Race Day.  But it was far too windy to do more than to shove things under the table(s) and hope the sun would come up (and the wind die down) the "morrow...."

Fortunately it wasn't too windy to go shopping...



...and to warmly greet our competition!



Working as the TEAM we are...

...everyone arrives extra early Race Day... finish setting up what we couldn't do the day before

Dragon husbands are there to toss their hats into our ring, too.

Thanks to Vicki and Margaret, he tables are set with care...

...with the hopes that Barb's incomparable cookies (in the shape of umbrellas and raindrops) would definitely be there!

Meanwhile at the Reigny Day Sale table

We set things up, as best we were able.

All that was left to hang the kite.

Blowing in the wind, it was a beautiful sight.


Under the tent, we gathered as told..

...a mass of Hat Dragons, huddling from the COLD

Julie proudly takes her place, under the banners she makes, which are FIRST RATE!

 Getting Psyched