Picture The Hat Ladies

Next to hearing the words, "I love your hat," Hat Ladies love to hear, "Can I take your picture?"  Simply walking down the street elicits a response from anyone carrying a camera.

Therefore, our pictures can be found in countless scrapbooks throughout the world as well as in the newspapers and magazines listed under "Feathers in our Cap."

"Picture The Hat Ladies" proudly presents pictures of major Hat-pin-ings from OUR scrapbook.

Now listed in alphabetical order.  

Easter in Charleston, South Carolina     

HaTpy Hour    (Updated 7/14)

Hats Around Town          (Updated 7/14)

Hats of The World Luncheon  (Romanian Mission, New York)

Heavenly Hat Ladies and Hat Men    

 High Tea at The Thoroughbred Club at Charleston Place     

Holiday Luncheon                                                     

Mardi Gras/Bras Luncheon 

Mother's Day Picnic                 

Spoleto Tradition: The Grace Episcopal Tea Room   


Table of Contents 


Copyright ©2002 The Hat Ladies of CharlestonSM. All rights reserved.