Sissa is in the right place at the right time to welcome us in!

Archie with the one and only Octavia Mitchell, Hat Lady, friend, and news anchor WCBD extraordinaire.

Time to introduce our joyful gathering of members, neighbors, out of towners and local guests, and celebrity

Special THANKS to Jayne for buying me a dress with a "shoe" pattern.  Could The Shoe Ladies of  Charleston be far behind?




The taping of our singing "HaTpy Birthday" to Liz didn't take.  So start humming now. I'm sure she'll hear you!


Thank you for a delightful afternoon. We always feel so welcome.

Darlin' winning shot!

The Tea Room was so full of friendship.  Loved it all.

Thank you for the lovely and delicious Tea today.  What a great turn out and beautiful variety of hats.  Loved your gorgeous unique dress and chocker (thanks again, Jayne...who always adds to our photos)

I cannot tell you what a good time I had at The Tea.  Everything was lovely.  It is so nice to be a part of a group of such lovely Ladies.  Thank you so much for making this happen.  I cannot wait to get together with my hatsisters again.

I'm looking forward to our next outing at White Point Gardens

Picture The Hat Ladies