While it is true a picture is worth 1,000 words, in the case of this particular Easter Celebration, the words just might be worth a bit more. The spirit going into this Easter Celebration was extraordinary: It was expressed in Hat Ladies' RSVP's. It continued throughout the stroll from Washington Park to High Cotton and was reinforced in the camaraderie exhibited at The Luncheon.
The English teacher who impacted me the most taught us to "be specific." Once I figured out what she meant, the quality of my writing took a giant leap forward. Many years later, I felt I should let her know the impact she had. I "found" her and was able to Thank her before she passed. In her honor, I shall share the specific words following the Luncheon, sent to me by my hatsisters, which arrived "unsolicited."
* What a perfectly lovely "unofficial promenade" and luncheon it was!!! You were so right....everyone there was SO excited to have been there!!! There was so much joy & life in that room today. For me, as someone who lives most of the year out of state, it was seeing so many familiar faces from my Hat Ladies adventures. Some have gone through touch times, and all have gone through that horrid COVID. But there we were, on the other side, happy to be together, happy to see each other.
*Yesterday was excellent FUN, especially at the after glow on the sidewalk.
*Thank you so much for a wonderful Easter stroll and luncheon. The Hat Ladies always make everything lovely.
*And what a perfectly lovely promenade & luncheon it was!!! You were so right...everyone there was SO excited to have been there!!! There was so much joy & life in that room today.
*The Hat Ladies and Gentlemen represented The Hat Ladies of Charleston so well!!!
*A feeling of pride did set in seeing all of us getting ready to "Promenade."
*It went so wonderfully well, weather, attendance, laughs, and fun.
*It was a perfect day. We had a wonderful time. Thank you.
*We had a wonderful day yesterday, and so nice seeing al the smiles.
*It was such a wonderful morning, gorgeous weather, and the best company. Truly enjoyed myself.
*Thank you for everything you do. Also thanks to John for always being at the events and making us Ladies look beautiful in our hats.
*Thank you for bringing us all together. It was a perfect day.
*Hats off to another wonderful Easter "promenade" and Luncheon! I look forward to every year to spend time at Easter with my Hat Sisters. Nice job with the weather, too.
*Meeting at the Park is so much fun, and it's the perfect distance for a walk to the Restaurant.
*It was fabulous. Next year I'm going to have to walk with everyone.
*Thank you, thank you for a great time again and again. Cheers!!
*We are so grateful to have a new community and some new friends within The Hat Ladies.
*Thank you for adding joy and connection and fun to our lives in our new community of Charleston
*It was just a marvelous day,
*The food was very good, the three TV stars were awesome, and everyone looked so beautiful.
*Our annual 23 year "promenade" was absolutely fabulous. Archie, you are the diamond that keeps us connected. I enjoyed the Ladies and our fellowship, especially our own television personalities who were in attendance.
There is no minimizing, nor should/could there be, the tremendous SUPPORT and FRIENDSHIP we have received from the three top Anchors of Charleston's TV Stations:
From Carolyn Murray Evening Anchor of WCBD, who interviewed Archie on her spotify pod cast: Open.spotify.com/episode/2YcjCDpLx5IPhbuDYLroaf
"Happy Easter from my family, friends, and dozens of new acquaintances at the annual Charleston Hat Ladies Easter Celebration. We take our hats off to Archie Burkel for organizing the 23rd gathering of guys and gals, dressed -up from top to toe, in the beautiful colors of spring. Despite the pomp and pageantry of our leisurely stroll from Broad to East Bay, and then the scrumptious lunch at High Cotton restaurant, each of us recognized that Easter is about knowing peace with God, peace in our hearts, and peace with each other. Friends. may peace be with you always. Oh the icing on the cake:..literally...we also celebrated my Mom's and Mother-in-law's birthdays.
From Ann McGill, Evening Anchor of WCSC, who first met The Hat Ladies when we participated on the Jerry Lewis Telethon and has promenaded with us ever since: Ann recently featured Archie in her Women's History Month Series: https//www.live5news.com/2024/03/26/they-wear-hats-do-good-deeds-community-hat-/ladies-charleston. The promo read: "They wear hats and do good deed in the community: The Hat Ladies of Charleston. You've probably seen them around town, a group of Ladies donning beautiful hats of all shapes and colors."
They wear hats and do good deeds in the community: The Hat Ladies of Charleston You’ve probably seen them around town, a group of ladies donning beautiful hats of all shapes and colors. |
From Octavia Mitchell, Morning Anchor of WCSC, who not only includes me on HER program when appropriate, but also joins me regularly at Skoogies for Chicago hot dogs and my Father's pickles...If interested in joining us, let me know...we just might include you.
From Keith Neighbours, Director of Private Events at High Cotton, who gives us the best prices possible and writes: "I meant to write earlier to say how much I enjoyed the television coverage of your Hat Ladies and the Easter parade in prior years. Wishing you a wonderful day and thank goodness for the gorgeous weather forecast.
FINALLY: Thanks to all the News Anchors, we were given a lot of publicity leading up to this Day. Here are some links to them:
Open.spotify.com/episode/2YcjCDpLx5IPhbuDYLroaf Let’s Talk with Carolyn Murray. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2YcjCDpLx5IPhbuDYLroaf
Click below to listen to a really fun episode of 'Let's Talk with Archie Burkle'
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